Business for sale in Lithuania

Business for sale in Lithuania

Residence Permit in Lithuania

Residence permit – a document, which allows you to stay in the European Union for the whole year

Company registration in Lithuania

LLC registration (UAB)
Registration of private company
Representative office registration

Transport companies in Lithuania for sale

We sell ready transport companies with European transport license

EUROMIG services



The main mission of EUROMIG project is to provide complex services to non European Union companies and individuals, carrying out their activity in the European Union countries, in the Republic of Lithuania in particular.

We provide a comprehensive kit of services to companies starting their activity in European Union (Lithuania) market, as well as to already active business representatives.

Our experts will assist you in dealing with legal, financial and migration issues. Moreover, we are ready to assist you with finding partners, realizing business-mission, staff selection, finding office rooms and living quarters and providing other services related to business representation.


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Construction industry in Lithuania, advantages and perspectives

According to the research, conducted by the EUROMIG project’s staff, the construction business in Lithuania has been recovering after the crisis and is increasing its assets. The Lithuanian statistics shows that the number of construction companies and number of people, …Read more

Transport business in Lithuania

According to the research, conducted by the specialists of the EUROMIG project, the transport business in Lithuania –is a stable and constantly developing sector, is one of the priority industries. Nevertheless there is only 5 % people of working age …Read more

Business immigration to Lithuania

Business immigration to Lithuania – registration of the company and starting business on the territory of the Republic of Lithuania  with the aim to get Residence permit in Lithuania. The procedure of getting Residence permit depends on the law of …Read more

Business in Lithuania

The choice of place for company foundation and further doing business is one of the most important issues in business activity planning. It is necessary to take into account such indicators as location, level of country’s economic and social development, …Read more

About Lithuania

Lithuania – the country on the eastern coast of Baltic Sea, became the member of European Union in 2004 and since that time yearly shows high indexes of economic and social development. Economy of Lithuania is considered one of the …Read more

Presidency of Lithuania in the Council of the European Union

On July 1, 2013 Lithuania, the first among the Baltic states, began Presidency in the Council of the European Union. It took over the position from Ireland, and at the end of 2013, 6 months after the beginning of the …Read more

Free economic zones in Lithuania

There are 2 free economic zones in Lithuania: in Kaunas (area – 534 hectares) and Klaipeda (area – 412 hectares). If a company wants to conduct business in this zone with preferential tax treatment, its investment should be more than …Read more

LLC registration (UAB) Registration of private company Representative office registrationРегистрация ЗАО (ООО) Регистрация ИП Регистрация представительства