New Services Introduced by the Migration Department through MIGRIS

The Migration Department is proud to announce the launch of new services available to its clients through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS). These services are designed to enhance convenience and efficiency for individuals navigating the immigration process in Lithuania.

Effective immediately, clients accessing MIGRIS will have access to a range of features allowing them to complete and submit various documents online. These include:

  • Submission of intermediary letters for the issuance or change of temporary residence permits, national visas, as well as changes in employer or job function, starting from December 30th of the current year.
  • Submission of intermediary letters for Schengen visa issuance (including invitations), starting from January 1st, 2021.
  • Submission of applications for changes in employer or job function, effective from December 30th of the current year.

To utilize these online services, clients are required to not only submit electronic applications via MIGRIS but also book an appointment to visit the Migration Department. It is essential to bring along original documents corresponding to the electronic application when visiting the department.

Additionally, for those preferring to submit paper applications for changes in employer or job function, the option remains available. However, such applications must be submitted by December 31st to be considered valid. These applications will be processed based on reserved visit slots.

Moreover, the Migration Department is also emphasizing changes in the validity periods of intermediary letters submitted through the Public Services Information System (EPIS). These changes are as follows:

  • Intermediary letters for Schengen visa issuance will now be valid for the duration of the Schengen visa, up to a maximum of 1 year.
  • Intermediary letters for national visa issuance will have a validity period of 30 calendar days from the date of submission.
  • Intermediary letters related to temporary residence permits, changes in employer, or job function will be valid for 5 months from the submission date.

These adjustments aim to streamline and optimize the immigration process, ensuring greater efficiency and convenience for all stakeholders involved. The Migration Department remains committed to providing exceptional service and support to individuals seeking immigration-related assistance in Lithuania.

Our company offers services of immigration to Europe, mainly immigration to Lithuania, accounting services, assistance in obtaining residence permit in Lithuania, limited company registration. With help of EUROMIG consultants you can buy new limited company, sell company, buy ready made business, etc.

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