Investment immigration program

Investment immigration program allows citizens of another country to get permanent residence permit or citizenship on the basis of investments, made into the country economy. Investments should be directed only to the positive impact on the economy. Each country has its own requirements for getting residence permit on the basis of investment program.

Most often, this program is interesting for wealthy people (wealthy businessmen),who can get residence permit or citizenship of another country by investing in the economy.

Those who has obtained residence permit on the basis of investment program have right to get permanent residence permit or in some countries – to obtain citizenship.

Investment program is directed to attract more foreign investments, as it helps to reduce not only the state debt but also to create additional work places, what reduces unemployment and restores the economy. Nowadays a lot of countries are just trying to implement investment immigration programs, offering to get a permanent residence permit, but only a few countries offer possibility to obtain citizenship by investment immigration program as immigration through investment, forms of immigration, residence permit, residence permit in Europe, residence permit in Lithuania, residence permit in Europe: Austria, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica and others.

Residence permit or citizenship of another country guarantees safety in the event of political instability, civil war, terrorism and other delicate situations in your country. You can get opportunity to go abroad and have a serene life for you and your family, get education and move to other countries of the world.

Our company offers immigration services to Europe, specializing in business immigration (Business Investor Residence Permit) and work immigration services. We also provide accounting services and assist with limited company (Ltd) registration. With the assistance of EUROMIG consultants, you can purchase ready-made new limited companies (shelf companies), buy or sell companies or active businesses, and acquire ready-made businesses, among other services.

If you are interested in our services, including company registration, purchasing a company, obtaining a residence permit, or any other related inquiries, please use these links company registration in the European Union, purchasing a company, obtaining a residence permit, for any other inquiries, please:

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      Main office (EN/RU): +370 655 45547 (WhatsApp, Telegram)
      Business consultant (EN): +370 658 82255 (WhatsApp, Telegram)
      Business consultant (RU): +370 679 44266 (WhatsApp, Viber)

      Skype euromig.baltic

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